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天使毫无起色遭鲁尼痛批 形如梦游再获全场最差

No improvement was angel Rooney criticized like sleepwalking again won the most poor

2015-03-05 18:43:18来源: 华体网

迪马利亚 最近,迪马利亚在比赛中的状态急剧下滑,实在让人费解。本赛季前三个月,阿根廷人在英超突破犀利,状态火热,为球队创造无数机会,自己也有3球入账,担任着领队者的角色。 冬季来临后,迪马利...

Di Maria recently, Di Maria in the state of the game fell sharply, it is hard to understand. Three months before this season in the Premier League, the sharp break, hot state, and create a lot of chances for the team, he has 3 goals, as the leader of the role. When winter came, Dimali...