新关注 > 信息聚合 > 一只可用一生的包除了爱马仕还有Delvaux


A usable life of package in addition to Hermes and Delvaux

2015-08-18 09:55:00来源: 和讯网

前两天小编刚写了“唐嫣和她的八只爱马仕的壕气故事”,结果昨天唐嫣又亮相了,又背了只大牌包,实在太抢眼!就连唐嫣都直接沦为了人肉背景... 唐嫣背Delvaux Brillant系列限量手袋 唐嫣背的是Delvaux “Ceci n"est pas un Delvaux” Brill...

two days small series just wrote "Tang Yan and her eight Hermes trench gas story", the results yesterday Tang Yan and unveiled a, and back the only big package, is really eye-catching! Even Tang Yan is directly reduced to the background of the human flesh... Tang Yan's back Brillant Delvaux series limited handbag is Delvaux "n Ceci" EST "PAS UN Delvaux Brill"...