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恒大试水互联网+社区医院 房企扎堆掘金医疗产业

Hengda to test the waters of Internet + community hospital housing prices get together the Nuggets in the medical industry

2015-06-11 21:22:45来源: 每经网

恒大集团旗下的恒大健康(00708.HK)于日前宣布推出新型国际医院、医学美容等四大业务模块,全方位进军健康产业领域,首家“互联网+”社区健康管理中心将于本月18日开业。 每经记者 区家彦 在...

Hengda Group of its rival health (00708.HK) recently announced the launch new international hospital, cosmetic medicine, such as 4 major business modules, enter the full range of areas of the health industry, first "Internet + community health management center to be opened on the 18th of this month. Every reporter Qu Jiayan in...