新关注 > 信息聚合 > 一清:党员干部要拒绝“好人主义”


A clear: Party cadres should reject "good doctrine"

2015-08-25 15:54:11来源: 荆楚网

近日人民网整理出总书记十句反腐“硬话”,针对“好人主义”,他批驳道“你在消极腐败现象面前当好人,在党和人民面前就当不成好人,二者不可兼得”。 “好人主义”其实就是明哲保身的处世哲学,是讲私情不讲...

People recently sorted out the general secretary of ten anti-corruption "hard," and for "making nice", he refuted the Road "in front of you when the good negative and corrupt phenomena in front of the party and the people as not good, but not both." . "Good doctrine" is actually a philosophy of self-preservation, it is about personal relationships do not speak ...