新关注 > 信息聚合 > 吴镇宇摔话筒怒斥湖南台 费曼受伤原因曝光(组图)

吴镇宇摔话筒怒斥湖南台 费曼受伤原因曝光(组图)

Francis ng fall microphone accosted the Hunan Taiwan Feynman injury causes exposure (Photos)

2015-05-21 11:59:50来源: 南方网

关键字: 费曼 吴镇宇 湖南台 网易娱乐 优酷网 受伤原因 爸爸去哪儿 古惑仔 爸爸去哪儿2 爸爸3 摘要: 20日,吴镇宇出席了其新电影的首映发布会,在后台接受优酷网专访时,他一脸不开森,提到...

keyword: Feynman Francis ng Hunan Taiwan Netease Entertainment Youku injured reason, dad to where young and dangerous dad where Dad 2 3 Abstract: 20, Francis Ng attended the conference the world premiere of his new film, in the background to accept Youku interview, he a face not Kaisen. When it comes to...