新关注 > 信息聚合 > 波兰名宿:温格重罚斯泽斯尼只是想把他当替罪羊


Polish legend: heavy fines Wenger szczesny just want to take him when Wenger only Sizesinidang scapegoat because is currently ranked fifth in the Gunners may lose a Champions League qualification scapegoat Netease

2015-01-14 20:23:14来源: 网易

波兰传奇门将扬-托马斯泽夫斯基指出温格只是把斯泽斯尼当替罪羊,因为目前排名第五的枪手可能失去欧冠资格。 网易体育1月14日报道: 阿森纳门将斯泽斯尼因在更衣室内抽烟被重罚,已连续两场比赛被弃用,...

the legendary Polish goalkeeper Jan Thomas Zeev J Ki said. Netease sports reported January 14: Arsenal goalkeeper Sze J Ni Hussein in the locker room smoking has been subject to heavy penalties, have two games in a row was abandoned,...