新关注 > 信息聚合 > 本山艺术学院合同到期更名 如何继续合作网友关注

本山艺术学院合同到期更名 如何继续合作网友关注

Benshan Art Institute contract expires changed its name to continue cooperation users attention

2015-06-09 22:02:07来源: 长江商报

本山艺术学院更名 合同到期还会继续合作网友期待 曾经红极一时的本山艺术学院如今要更该名字了,辽宁大学本山艺术学院更名为辽宁大学艺术学院,原因就是本山传媒和辽宁大学的合作合同到期了,名字更改了,但是双方都表示合作还将继续,网友期待赵本山的艺术精华还会在辽宁大学艺术学院继续开花结果。 辽...

Benshan Art Institute changed its name to the expiration of the contract will continue cooperation users expect was a smash hit in the Benshan Art Institute now more the name, Liaoning University Benshan Art Institute changed its name for Liaoning University School of the arts, the reason is Benshan media and Liaoning University cooperation contract expire, the name changed, but both sides said to continue cooperation, users expect Zhao Benshan art essence will be in Liaoning University College of the arts continue to bear fruit. Liaoning...