新关注 > 信息聚合 > DTS音效+RGB灯效 赛睿西伯利亚350耳机评测

DTS音效+RGB灯效 赛睿西伯利亚350耳机评测

DTS Sound + RGB lighting effect Race Core Siberia 350 Headphones Review

2016-05-21 08:16:19来源: 天极网

赛睿西伯利亚游戏耳机系列已经几乎让所有的玩家耳熟能详,近期赛睿推出了搭载了DTS音效并且支持RGB灯效的一款中端产品,西伯利亚350,售价799元,让我们一同看看这款产品有什么特色。 包装风格上...

Race Core Siberia Gaming Headset series has almost all of the players are familiar with the recent sairui launched carrying the DTS sound and supports RGB light effect of a mid-range product, Siberia 350, priced at $ 799, let us look at this what are the characteristics of products. Packing Style on ...