新关注 > 信息聚合 > 烟台芝罘区人才市场正月招聘会启动 连续举行5天

烟台芝罘区人才市场正月招聘会启动 连续举行5天

Yantai Zhifu talent market recruitment will start the first month in a row, held 5 days

2016-02-15 01:41:24来源: 大众网

水母网2月14日讯(YMG记者 夏丹 通讯员 于芳)记者昨日从烟台芝罘区人社局获悉,芝罘区人力资源(人才)市场正月招聘会明天(正月初八)开始,将连续举行5天。 知名企业求贤若渴 “可是得空来办理招聘手续了,咱们芝罘区人力资源市场是全市屈指可数的人气旺、招聘效果好的市场了!特别想在...

Jellyfish News Network February 14 (YMG reporter correspondent in shardan aryl) reporter yesterday from Yantai Zhifu Social Council was informed ZHIFU human resources (personnel) recruitment market month tomorrow (lunar January 8), the continuous held 5 day. Desperate for well-known enterprises, "but was empty to handle the recruitment procedures, and we ZHIFU human resources market is the city's handful of popularity, good recruitment effect of the market! Especially want ...