新关注 > 信息聚合 > 范玮琪黑人俩月进账500万 出书鼓励难怀孕夫妻

范玮琪黑人俩月进账500万 出书鼓励难怀孕夫妻

Christine Fan black two months fetched 5000000 book difficult to encourage pregnant couples

2015-06-03 11:09:38来源: 搜狐

范玮琪黑人一家。 中国新闻网6月3日报道 据台湾“中国时报”即时消息,日前,范玮琪和陈建州(黑人)带双胞胎儿子进棚,一家四口为新书《熊猫来了》拍照。二人希望给想生小孩但历经沮丧、想放弃的夫妻正面能量。范玮琪产后瘦身未达满意标淮,自称“难搞”要发型师让她看起来脸小一点。夫妻俩近来勤跑活...

a black Christine Fan. China News Network June 3, reported according to Taiwan's "China Times" instant messaging. Recently, fan and Blackie with twin sons into the studio, a family of four for the book "Panda" pictures. Two people want to give birth to a child, but after a frustrated, want to give up the positive energy of the couple. Christine Fan was not satisfied with the standard of postpartum weight loss, claiming to be "difficult" to let her hair looks a little face. Husband and wife have recently been frequently run...