新关注 > 信息聚合 > 豌豆护眼效果佳 多吃肉不如多吃豆

豌豆护眼效果佳 多吃肉不如多吃豆

Pea eye protection effect is good to eat a lot of meat than eat beans

2015-04-26 11:22:18来源: 大河网

中医指出,鲜豆类除了蛋白质在蔬菜中是领头羊外,还富含各种维生素、矿物质和膳食纤维,是低脂高营养的好食材。以下这些豆类都有很好的保健养生作用。 豌豆护眼效果佳 吉林省健康协会常务理事郝孟忠介绍...

of traditional Chinese medicine that fresh beans in addition to protein in vegetables is the leader, but also rich in vitamins, minerals and dietary fiber is low-fat high nutrition good food. These beans have a good role in health care. Pea eye protection effect is better Jilin Provincial Health Association executive director Hao Mengzhong introduction...