新关注 > 信息聚合 > i3学生本 神舟K460N配2G独显抢2299元

i3学生本 神舟K460N配2G独显抢2299元

I3 students the Shenzhou K460N with 2G alone was robbed 2299 yuan

2014-12-04 12:14:55来源: 天极网

即将迎来寒假,对于想要携新本回家的学生朋友,小编有一个不错的推荐——2000元出头的独显全能本神舟精盾K460N-i3 D1。这款产品外具深灰色铝合金外壳,B面配备一块14英寸的无亮点完美贵丽屏。内部配置上,它搭载IVB平台处理器酷睿i3-3110M,内置玩家级独立显卡GT635M,配合...

is about to usher in the winter vacation, for want of the students going home with new friends, small make up a good recommendation -- 2000 yuan early single Almighty the Shenzhou jingdun K460N-i3 D1. The products with dark gray aluminum alloy shell, equipped with a 14 inch colour screen no bright spot perfect B surface. The internal configuration, it on the IVB processor core i3-3110M, built-in game player level independent video card GT635M, with...