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《极限挑战》罗志祥再登基 “洗发”巩固皇位

"Ultimate challenge" Luo again ascended the throne "shampoo" consolidate the Oriental TV aired on Sunday (26), the throne

2015-07-28 19:48:12来源: 大众网

在上周日(26日)播出的东方卫视《极限挑战》中,经过激烈的身份争夺战,罗志祥成功登基成为了“颜朝”的新皇帝。事实上,为了巩固千辛万苦抢到的“皇位”穿越回“颜朝”,罗志祥也是开足脑力攻守兼备。 在未...

the challenge, ", after a fierce battle, Luo successful accession to the throne to become the new emperor of" Yan Chao ". In fact, in order to consolidate the hardships to grab the "throne" through "Yan Zhao, Luo is open enough mental both offensive and defensive. In the future...