新关注 > 信息聚合 > Console Classics确认多款PS1游戏移植到PC平台

Console Classics确认多款PS1游戏移植到PC平台

Console classics confirmed a variety of PS1 game ported to the PC platform

2015-07-09 00:51:58来源: 逗游网

开发商Console Classics最近宣布,他们打算把早年曾经PS1登陆的游戏移植到PC平台中。而在这之前,Console Classic曾经公布了一款名为《N20: Nitrous Oxide...

console classics, recently announced that they intend to the early once PS1 landing game ported to the PC platform. Before this, Classic Console has announced a name for the Nitrous Oxide N20...

标签: PS 游戏 PC