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Aerial celebrity businessman luxury mansion panorama

2015-05-12 09:57:01来源: 人民网

美国说唱歌手坎耶·维斯特和他的真人秀明星妻子金·卡戴珊的豪宅。(网站截图) 中国网5月12日讯据外媒报道,近日,外媒曝光了一组名人、富人奢华豪宅的航拍图,让世人们一目了然的看到他们坐拥的豪宅的全景图。 据悉,今年,美国遭受了历史上最严重的干旱时期,但即使这样,美国的一些名人和富人...

American rapper Kanye West and his reality show star wife Kim Kardashian mansion. (website screenshot) China net news on May 12, according to foreign media reports, recently, foreign media exposure of a group of the rich and famous, luxury aerial map of luxury, let the world people at a glance to see them sitting on the luxury of panorama. It is reported that this year, the United States suffered the most severe drought in history, but even so, some of the United States and the rich...