新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《杨贵妃》范冰冰“马震”戏份被删 导演称是主动..

《杨贵妃》范冰冰“马震”戏份被删 导演称是主动..

"Yang Guifei" Fan Bingbing "Ma Zhen" Xifen be deleted according to the director is active..

2015-07-30 18:11:07来源: 大众网


previously because of a passion "Ma Chun" scenes and fire new film "Dynasty woman Yang Guifei" has today officially released, but holding to onlookers "Ma Chun" the mood of the audience after watching said very disappointed: "Ma Chun" play was deleted. In this regard, the director of the film ten, said: this section of the online spread of emotion...