新关注 > 信息聚合 > 金庸联手连丽如北京评书《鹿鼎记》公益演出在京..


Jin Yong together Lianliru Beijing storytelling "Lu Dingji" public performances in Beijing..

2015-06-13 17:02:36来源: 人民网

连丽如先生现场表演改编评书《鹿鼎记》 原标题:金庸联手连丽如北京评书《鹿鼎记》改编创作、公益演出启动仪式在京举行 国际在线消息(记者 王竹):6月13日下午,由北京市西城区非物质文化遗产保护...

Lianliru live performances adapted storytelling "Lu Dingji" original title: Jin Yong together Lianliru Beijing storytelling "Lu Dingji" creative adaptation, public performance the launching ceremony held in Beijing International online news (reporter Wangzhu), June 13 afternoon, by the Beijing Xicheng District, non material cultural heritage protection.