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宜宾生态早茶昨开采 质量安全实现全程追溯

Yibin ecological tea quality safety traceability last mining to achieve full

2015-02-13 11:31:32来源: 四川新闻网地方频道

四川新闻网宜宾2月13日讯(实习记者 宁俭利)生态宜宾春来早,三江两岸采茶忙。昨日,宜宾翠屏区金坪镇义兴茶叶基地开园采茶,数十名采茶女忙碌采摘今年第一批春芽。 宜宾是巴蜀历史上著名的茶区,茶马古...

Sichuan news network Yibin on February 13th news (intern reporter Ning Jianli) ecological Yibin spring come early, on both sides of Sanjiang tea busy. Yesterday, Jin Ping Zhen Yi Xing Park Cuiping District of Yibin tea tea base, dozens of tea plucking female busy picking this year the first batch of spring. Yibin is a famous Sichuan history tea area, tea horse ancient...