新关注 > 信息聚合 > 吴建豪晒与周渝民合影 网友怀念:想念F4

吴建豪晒与周渝民合影 网友怀念:想念F4

Vanness Wu sun and Vic photo friends Miss: miss F4

2015-06-09 20:45:33来源: 中国青年网

中新网6月9日电 据台湾“东森新闻”消息,F4曾因2001年出演《流星花园》走红,2009年解散后,四位成员很少相聚。昨日,吴建豪在社交网站晒出与周渝民合照,引发网友热议,直呼:“想念F4!想念流星雨!” 8日,吴建豪在社交网站留言称:“好久不见的周渝民,你长大了,哈哈哈,跟你聊天聊...

new network on June 9, according to Taiwan's ETTV news, F4 had for 2001 starred in "meteor garden" became popular, in 2009 after the dissolution, four members seldom together. Yesterday, Vanness Wu and Zhou Yumin drying out photos on social networking sites, triggering hot, call: "miss F4! Miss meteor shower!" 8, Vanness Wu in social networking site message said: "long time no see Zhou Yumin, you grow up, ha ha ha, chat with you...