新关注 > 信息聚合 > 瑞典小伙因长相酷似莱昂纳多出名 将拍电视真人秀..

瑞典小伙因长相酷似莱昂纳多出名 将拍电视真人秀..

Swedish guy who looks like because of the famous Leonardo beat reality TV show ..

2016-02-24 15:40:18来源: 环球网

【环球网综合报道】美国演员兼制片人莱昂纳多 迪卡普里奥帅气脸庞已是全球家喻户晓,两个外国小伙也因跟他相似的明星脸,而收获关注。据英国《卫报》2月22日报道,在莱昂纳多有望在即将举行的第88届奥斯卡颁...

[World Wide Web roundup American actor and producer Leonardo DiCaprio handsome face is a global household name, but also because of two foreign guy with his face like a star, and gain attention. According to the British "Guardian" reported on February 22, in Leonardo is expected at the upcoming 88th Annual Academy awarded ...