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小米5/5 Plus齐曝光!配置太强悍了

Millet 5/5 Plus Qi exposure! The configuration is too tough

2015-05-01 10:33:59来源: 站长之家

小米Note顶配是目前小米最强的产品,但早先小米就曾表示,小米手机和小米Note走的是两条产品线。如今小米4已经发布许久,是迎来更新换代的时候了。很明显,接下来小米要推的新品,自然是小米5了。 据...

millet Note dingpei is currently the strongest millet products, but millet had earlier said, millet and millet mobile phone Note is two lines. Today, millet 4 has been released for a long time, when the update is in. Obviously, the next millet to push new products, natural millet 5. According to the...