新关注 > 信息聚合 > 盘点耗时最短比赛:格拉芙大满贯决赛双蛋 姜山躺枪

盘点耗时最短比赛:格拉芙大满贯决赛双蛋 姜山躺枪

Inventory of the shortest time game: the Grand Slam final double egg ginger lying gun

2015-04-15 13:34:27来源: 新浪

新浪体育讯 北京时间4月15日消息,在周二蒙特卡洛大师赛的一场双打比赛中,哈泽和卡拉森的组合只用了27分钟,便以6-1/6-2速胜马纳里诺/罗索尔,晋级次轮,成就了本年度耗时最短的比赛。对于网坛耗时...

Sina Sina sports news Beijing standard time on April 15th message, in a doubles game Tuesday in the Monte Carlo Masters, haze and card Larson combination in 27 minutes, then the 6-1/6-2 victory horse Nalinuo / rosol, advanced to the second round, achievement this year the most time-consuming short game. For tennis time consuming...