新关注 > 信息聚合 > 张承高速老虎沟大桥主体工程完成(图)


Zhangcheng Expressway tiger ditch bridge, the main works completed (Figure)

2015-08-06 09:20:51来源: 河北新闻网

张承高速老虎沟大桥位于张北县战海乡桦皮岭, 工程于2013年6月开工建设,目前主体工程已完成, 预计本月底防水设施、沥青铺设和伸缩缝施工等工程全部完工。袁明海 摄 从张承高速公路承德筹建处获悉,张...

bearing high-speed tiger ditch bridge is located in Zhangbei County Zhan Hai Xiang birchbark ridge, this project started construction in June 2013, at present the main project has been completed, is expected to the end of waterproof facilities, asphalt paved and telescopic seam construction project is completed. Yuan Minghai photo taken from the Chengde Construction Department of the highway, zhang...