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国足太火!百万人气23万留言 超8成挺高洪波

The team's too fire! Millions of popular 230000 messages into a super 8 gao

2016-03-30 15:11:17来源: 华体网

3月30日讯 2-0击败苦主卡塔尔,加上其他小组“友军”一起发威,国足奇迹般晋级12强赛。赛后,接近23万网友参与 的讨论,超过半数的网友认为高洪波临危受命是国足神奇出线的最大功臣,超过17万的网友...

March 30-2-0 victory over its Qatar, together with other team "friendly" outbursts, the team's miraculous into the top 12. After the game, nearly 230000 Internet users to participate in the discussion, more than half of the netizens think gao hughton is the team's qualification of the weight, more than 170000 online friends...