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再展“财技” 越秀牵手绿地、平安开发广州“巨无..

To show the financial skills to Yuexiu hand green, safe development Guangzhou "giant..

2015-08-01 13:06:22来源: 中国经营网

白银时代的到来不仅使得以往“暴利”的房地产行业变得微利,也使得房企们放下以往端起来的架子,以更开放的态度对待合作。近日,在广州征战了三十余载的国企越秀地产宣布了其最新的合作计划。 7月27日,据...

silver age arrival not only makes the previous" profiteering "of the real estate industry become profit, also makes housing prices were down past the end of shelf, with a more open attitude towards cooperation. Recently, in Guangzhou for more than thirty years of the Yuexiu real estate enterprises announced its latest cooperation plan. July 27th, according to...