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"Nine cloudy Daoist Scriptures" first-time players DIY scenery Chi exposure

2015-05-15 16:19:32来源: 新浪

九阴真经 CGWR 得分 CGWR:30 位 CGWR介绍 导语:前不久,旨在挖掘江湖有才之士的《九阴真经》“第一届风物志设计大赛”落下帷幕。经过火热的角逐,由《九阴真经》武侠五区盖世无双玩家阿萨辛设计的“化影衫”一举脱颖而出,不少侠士对此款风物志充满了期待。近日经由官方精心打造...

Jiuyin scriptures cgwr score CGWR:30 cgwr introduced lead: not long ago, in order to mining of rivers and lakes and talented scholar "Jiuyin scriptures" "the first scenery Chi design competition" ended. After the hot competition, by the "nine cloudy Daoist Scriptures" martial arts district peerless internationally the assassins in the design of "shadow shirt" in one fell swoop come to the fore, many chivalrous this paragraph scenery Chi full of expectation. Recently through the official carefully build...