新关注 > 信息聚合 > 黄蜂经理暗示书豪将打替补:突破+串联能升级进攻


Wasp manager hint Book ho will substitute: break + series can upgrade attack Netease

2015-07-10 09:23:40来源: 网易

“我们很兴奋能够引进林书豪,”乔说道,“他是一个有天赋的球员,他有经验,而且是个出色的持球人,我们感觉他能给球队做出突出贡献。” 上赛季,林书豪在湖人效力,他场均得到11.2分4.6个助攻,在其职...

"we are very excited to introduce Lin," Joe said, "he is a talented player, he has experience, but also a good ball, we feel he can make outstanding contributions to the team." Last season, Jeremy Lin in the Lakers, he averaged 4.6 points and 11.2 assists, in his position...