新关注 > 信息聚合 > 费祖野蛮踩踏对手胸口染红 裁判疑漏判国安点球机会

费祖野蛮踩踏对手胸口染红 裁判疑漏判国安点球机会

Fee progenitor brutal stampede match red chest referee suspected leakage sentenced Guoan penalty opportunity

2015-02-25 20:36:46来源: 华体网

踩踏犯规动图 讯 北京时间2月25日17时30分,北京国安迎来2015亚冠小组赛首轮赛事——客场对阵澳洲球队布里斯班狮吼。邵佳一在全场补时第2分钟的折线任意球绝杀值得夸赞,而上半场裁判的判罚却成为...

stampede foul dynamic figure time of Beijing of dispatch of February 25, 17 when 30 points, Beijing Guoan ushered in the 2015 AFC Champions League first round match, away against the Australian team Brisbane roar. Shao Jiayi scored in the second minute of stoppage time line free kick winner worthy of praise, and decisions have become half referee...