新关注 > 信息聚合 > 新能源汽车离大众又近一步 今年产销量或达20万

新能源汽车离大众又近一步 今年产销量或达20万

New energy vehicles from Volkswagen a step closer to this year sales of up to 200000 or

2015-01-23 08:11:35来源: 中国新闻网

○ 今年我国新能源汽车产销量有望达到20万辆 ○ 微型新能源汽车不仅突破了技术门槛,并首次在全成本核算上实现对传统燃油汽车的逆袭 刚刚闭幕的2015中国新能源汽车年会上公布了这样一组数字: ...

, this year China new energy automobile production and sales is expected to reach 200000 units in micro car of new energy resources not only break through the technical threshold, and to achieve the first announced that a set of numbers on the traditional fuel automobile counterattack of the just concluded 2015 China new energy automobile annual meeting in the full cost accounting:...