新关注 > 信息聚合 > 大普吉隧道试通车 限速40公里限宽3米限高4.5米

大普吉隧道试通车 限速40公里限宽3米限高4.5米

Large Phuket tunnel opening test speed of 40 km width 3 meters high limit of 4.5 meters

2015-02-14 12:14:18来源: 云视网

隧道里明亮通透,设施齐全。 引导标志完备 记者翟剑/摄 隧道全长: 1345米 路面情况: 路面平坦、车流通畅、排队而行 限速每小时40公里 隧道照明: 隧道照明亮如白昼 每隔5米...

tunnel is bright and transparent, facilities. Guide sign complete reporter Zhai sword / photograph tunnel length: 1345 meters Road: road traffic smooth, flat, line line 40 km per hour speed limit tunnel lighting: tunnel as bright as day every 5 meters...