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湿拖一体 海尔扫地机器人小蓝1099首发

Wet mopping all-in-one Haier sweeping robot blue 1099 starting

2015-08-05 14:30:41来源: 中关村在线

白天拼工作,下班后还得扫地洗衣,往往不等忙完身体已经敲响疲惫的警钟,有没有"灵丹妙药"拯救上班族糟心的生活,答案当然是"有"!8月6日,海尔扫地机器人小蓝聚划算1099元首发,湿拖一体、超强清洁,上班族真正的福音来了! 一眼邂逅便记忆深刻,海尔扫地机器人小蓝外表呆萌可爱,时尚蓝色圆脑...

during the day spell work, after work, sweep the floor washing, usually ranging from busy body has sounded tired alarm, there is no "magic bullet" save work family Zaoxin life. Of course, the answer is ""! On August 6, the Haier sweeping robot blue poly cost-effective 1099 yuan starting, wet mopping all-in-one, super clean, commuters real good news! One eye will encounter memories, Haier sweeping robot looks adorable cute little blue, blue circle are the brain...