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宝马全新X1或先推概念车 将于9月亮相

The new BMW X1 or the first push the concept car will be 9 moon phase

2015-03-14 12:14:59来源: 爱卡汽车网

近日,宝马研发总监Habib在接受海外媒体采访时透露,全新一代X1有望在今年9月推出概念车。全新X1采用宝马集团的UKL前驱平台,前雾灯采用的是LED光源。 小贴士:采用UKL前驱平台;采用前家...

recently, BMW research and development director for Habib in an interview with foreign media said, the new generation of X1 concept car is expected to launch in September this year. The new X1 platform using UKL precursor of BMW group, the front fog lamp using the LED light source. Tip: use UKL precursor by former home platform...