新关注 > 信息聚合 > 被A股击散人气 周五在美市中概股全线下跌

被A股击散人气 周五在美市中概股全线下跌

Be a shares shot popularity on Friday in the city, the United States concept stocks across the board fell Sina

2015-06-27 07:19:51来源: 新浪

中国概念股周五收盘数据 新浪科技讯 北京时间6月27日凌晨消息,周五美国股市收盘涨跌不一。美国6月消费者信心指数创5个月新高。希腊债务谈判前景不明,令市场承压。在美上市中概股周五开盘即大幅下挫,...

China concept stocks Friday's closing data dispatch of sina science and Technology Beijing time on June 27 morning news Friday the U.S. stock market closed mixed a. U.S. consumer confidence index in June hit a 5 month high. Greek debt negotiations outlook is unknown, so that the market pressure. Stocks listed in the United States on Friday opened sharply lower,...