新关注 > 信息聚合 > 百余名台湾学子福建漳州“寻根”


Hundreds of Taiwanese students in Zhangzhou, Fujian "roots"

2015-08-02 21:26:40来源: 中国新闻网

中新网漳州8月2日电 (高淑萍 张艺彬 林玲)“寻根也是寻源,台湾跟大陆本来就是同根同源,所以台湾学生到漳州并不会觉得陌生。”台湾云林科技大学郑政秉博士2日在福建漳州表示,希望通过寻根之旅,增进海峡...

new network, Zhangzhou, August 2, (Gao Shuping Zhang Yibin linling) roots is to find the source, Taiwan with the mainland was supposed to be the root homology, so students in Taiwan to Zhangzhou and will not feel strange. " Dr. Zheng Zhengbing of Yunlin University of technology, Taiwan 2 in Fujian, Zhangzhou said, hope that through the journey, promote the...