新关注 > 信息聚合 > 恒大亚泰赛前为赵达裕默哀一分钟 送别广州名宿

恒大亚泰赛前为赵达裕默哀一分钟 送别广州名宿

Hengda Yatai Zhao Dayu observed a minute of silence for the pre - farewell Guangzhou legend

2015-03-22 20:27:31来源: 网易

在恒大对阵亚泰的比赛开始前,双方球员为赵达裕默哀一分钟。 网易体育3月22日报道: 北京时间3月22日,2015赛季中超联赛第3轮,广州恒大在主场迎战长春亚泰。赛前,双方球员为刚刚去世的足坛名宿赵达裕默哀一分钟,在天河体育场的大屏幕上,播放赵达裕生前照片。【推荐阅读-前国脚赵达裕因病...

began in Hengda against Yatai before the game, both players as Zhao Dayu observed a minute of silence. NetEase sports in March 22nd reported: Beijing time on March 22nd, the 2015 season of Super League third round, Guangzhou Hengda in home court against the Changchun yatai. Before the game, both players for the football legend Zhao Dayu died just a minute of silence, in the Tianhe Stadium on the big screen, playing Zhao Dayu's photos. [recommended reading - former international Zhao Dayu due to illness...