新关注 > 信息聚合 > 校园安全要时刻警钟长鸣


Moment wake-up call campus security

2016-04-10 17:56:26来源: 中国青年网

近日,全国学校安全工作电视电话会议在京召开。教育部部长袁贵仁要求,下一阶段各地各学校要针对校园欺凌、上下学交通安全、溺水事故、校园拥挤踩踏事故等突出问题进行专项治理,“把学校安全工作抓实抓细抓好”。(4月9日 中青在线) 校园安全始终是我国教育治理体系中的软肋,教育部近日发布了《20...

Recently, the national school safety work picturephone meeting held in Beijing. Education minister yuan guiren indicated, the next stage around schools for campus school bullying, traffic safety, drowning accidents, accidents on campus crowded stampede special projects on the outstanding issues, such as, "the school security work, scratching real fine pays special attention to". (April 9 middle online) campus safety is always the weakness in the education management system in our country, the ministry of education has issued a "20...