新关注 > 信息聚合 > 4月7日三盛地产品牌战略发布会即将启幕


In April 7th three Sheng real estate brand strategy conference will be the curtain

2015-04-03 12:21:14来源: 大众网

——国际巨星全智贤北京发布会 【导语】2015年,对三盛国际城来说是不平凡的一年——项目耀世登场!对于三盛地产来说,同样是不平凡的一年——三盛地产布局全国,首次进驻大北京,至此三盛地产已形成全国...

-- international superstar Gianna Jun Beijing conference in 2015 three [] to lead, Sheng International City is an extraordinary year -- project boast the world debut! For the three Sheng real estate, is also an extraordinary year -- three Sheng real estate layout of the country, for the first time in Beijing, thus has formed the three Sheng real estate...