新关注 > 信息聚合 > 助力申冬奥 全国雪地摩托车锦标赛将在京启动

助力申冬奥 全国雪地摩托车锦标赛将在京启动

Help Shen winter the snow motorcycle Championships will be in Beijing start

2015-04-15 16:41:52来源: 网易

全国雪地摩托锦标赛这一国家级赛事从2014年开始举办,虽属于创新项目,但得益于我国幅员辽阔的雪域资源,人民日益高涨的户外冰雪运动热情,拥有高速发展的潜力与基础。 网易体育4月15日报道: 2015年4月15日,国家体育总局汽车摩托车运动管理中心主办的“助力申冬奥·雪域万里行”项目暨2...

the snowmobile championship the national tournament held from the beginning of 2014, although belonging to a creative project, but due to China's vast snow resources, people's growing outdoor ice transport dynamic enthusiasm, with high speed development potential, and basic. Netease sports reported on April 15: April 15, 2015, sponsored by the motorcycle sports management center of State Sport General Administration of automobile help Shen Winter Olympics, snow covered "project and 2...