新关注 > 信息聚合 > 中国青年钢琴家袁芳独奏音乐会纽约卡内基音乐厅..


Chinese young pianist Yuan Fang solo concert at Carnegie Hall in New York ..

2016-02-27 09:24:20来源: 新华报业网

当地时间2月25日晚,中国青年钢琴家袁芳独奏音乐会在纽约卡内基音乐厅成功举行。 阮煜琳 摄 中新网纽约2月26日电 (记者 阮煜琳)中国青年钢琴家袁芳独奏音乐会当地时间2月25日晚在纽约卡内基音...

Local time on the evening of February 25, Chinese young pianist Yuan Fang solo concert was successfully held in New York's Carnegie Hall. Ruan Yulin photo BEIJING New York, February 26 (Reporter Ruan Yulin) Chinese Yuan Fang solo concert pianist local time on the evening of February 25 in New York Carnegie tone ...