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HTML5 游戏开发:烈火终将燎原

HTML5 game development:

2015-06-17 12:34:42来源: 17173

文/安静 今年,是HTML5元年吗?很多人会有这样的疑问。移动游戏App市场竞争日趋激烈,手游门槛日益提升,在大公司凭借自身优势包揽大部分榜单之时,中小CP的寒冬已悄然而至。而自去年开始,一些成...

/ Liaoyuan fire will be quiet this year, is the first year of HTML5? Many people will have such a question. Mobile gaming app market competition is becoming increasingly fierce, hand travel threshold rising, in a big company by virtue of their own advantages swept most of the list of the top 10 when, small CP winter has quietly. And since last year, some into...

标签: 游戏