新关注 > 信息聚合 > 校门口零食威胁孩子健康 84.3%受访者建议清理

校门口零食威胁孩子健康 84.3%受访者建议清理

The school gate snacks threat the health of children 84.3% of respondents suggested cleaning

2015-04-02 06:16:55来源: 人民网

漫画:朱慧卿 北京大学政府管理学院教授周志忍说,校门口的食品不乏粗制滥造的有害食品,影响孩子的身体健康。社会、学校和家长都有责任不让孩子接触这些有害食品。他建议,一方面,应该从源头抓起,对食品的...

comic: Professor Zhou Zhiren Zhu Huiqing School of government of Peking University said, in front of the school food are harmful food crudely made, affect the child's physical health. Society, schools and parents have the responsibility to do not let the child contact these harmful food. He suggested that, on the one hand, we should start from the source, for food...