新关注 > 信息聚合 > 甜馨嗯哼上演琼瑶版“苦情大戏” 不忍分别

甜馨嗯哼上演琼瑶版“苦情大戏” 不忍分别

Sweet sweet huh staged version of Qiong Yao "affliction drama" can not bear respectively

2015-07-19 19:59:18来源: 中国青年网

中新网7月19日电 在昨晚《爸爸回来了》第二季迎来收官,五大奶爸携萌娃齐聚,唐志中也携蜜蜜、香香回归。 在节目中,甜馨陪嗯哼王子玩车时不小心蹭到嗯哼下巴,嗯哼嚎啕大哭,甜馨不住安慰后也内疚哭出声,两萌娃上演了分别前的一场琼瑶版“苦情大戏”,引得网友直呼“甜馨不哭”。 今日早上,“...

network in the new July 19 in last night's father back in the second quarter to usher in the ending, the five big daddy bring adorable baby oligomerization, Tang Zhizhong also join honey, Xiangxiang regression. In the program, sweet hope accompany well Prince hum I accidentally rubs huh chin, huh wail, sweet hope not help comfort also guilty cry, two adorable baby staged respectively before a Qiong Yao version "affliction drama, attracted users refer to" sweet hope don't cry. This morning,"...