新关注 > 信息聚合 > 杭汽轮B料去年净利同比下降42%


Hangzhou steam turbine B last year net profit fell 42% year on year

2015-01-21 12:39:39来源: 中证网

杭汽轮B料去年净利同比下降42% 杭汽轮B(200771)周二盘后披露业绩预告,公司预计2014年归属于上市公司股东的净利润3.4亿元-3.8亿元,比上年同期下降41.91%-48.03%。 ...

Hangzhou steam turbine B is expected to last year net profit fell 42% year-on-year to hangzhou steam turbine B (200771) on Tuesday after disclosure earnings forecast, the company expects net profit attributable to shareholders of listed companies in 2014, 340 million yuan - 340 million yuan, more than a year ago by 41.91% - 48.03%. ...