新关注 > 信息聚合 > 北汽幻速S6动力信息曝光 将于年内上市

北汽幻速S6动力信息曝光 将于年内上市

Beiqi magic speed S6 dynamic information exposure will be listed in the

2015-09-08 19:18:40来源: 爱卡汽车网

近日,我们从相关渠道获取了幻速S6的动力信息。新车是北汽银翔首款紧凑型SUV,将全系搭载涡轮增压发动机。据悉,该车将于2015年内正式上市。 外观方面,为了迎合当前潮流,此车不管是在车头还是车尾...

recently, we from the relevant channels to obtain the magic speed S6 dynamic information. The car is silver Cheung's first compact SUV, the whole system will be equipped with the turbocharged engine. It is reported that the car will be officially listed in 2015. Appearance, in order to cater to the current trend, this car is in the front or rear of the car...