新关注 > 信息聚合 > 入门级 联想 G50-45-AEI哈尔滨售2500

入门级 联想 G50-45-AEI哈尔滨售2500

The entry-level G50-45-AEI Lenovo Harbin sale of 2500

2015-03-17 20:19:56来源: 中关村在线

(中关村在线哈尔滨行情)联想G50-45-AEI配置还算不错,能够正常应对日常办公和家用。目前这款联想 G50-45-AEI笔记本电脑在商家“程禹科技(先验货后付款)”的报价为2500元。 联想G...

(Zhongguancun online Harbin market) Lenovo G50-45-AEI configuration is fairly good, can the normal response to daily office and home. At present this Lenovo G50-45-AEI laptop computer in the business "Cheng Yu Technology (first payment after inspection)" quoted price is 2500 yuan. Lenovo G...