新关注 > 信息聚合 > 名医不是速成品 住院医师是必经之路

名医不是速成品 住院医师是必经之路

Doctors not quick finished residency is the path

2015-03-27 21:01:28来源: 大河网

今年1月,北京协和医院举行首届在培住院医师年度结构化临床考核。图为考核现场。 王 泽摄 从医学生到医生 ■即使在医学院校门门功课优秀,毕业后未必成为合格的医生。学好临床基本功也是必修课 ...

in January of this year, Beijing Union Medical College Hospital held the first training in hospital physician annual structured clinical examination. Map for the assessment of the scene. Wang Ze photo from students to doctors - even in medical colleges subject is outstanding, after graduation may not become a qualified doctor. To learn the clinical basic skills is a required course...