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林书豪博客上发表新年自励 被赞有哈佛生功底

In his new year self Jeremy Lin blog praised Harvard students skills

2015-01-03 14:44:17来源: 中国新闻网

当队友尼克·杨与性感女友阿扎莉在夜店共度跨年夜时,林书豪展现着哈佛学生的书卷气,他在博客上发了篇长文,向球迷送去新年祝福,同时也是给境况不佳的自己鼓励。美女图片养眼,但静下来看看出身书香门第的林书豪写下的文字,应该能让球迷感受到更多的正能量: “老实讲,这个赛季正朝着一个跟我预期中的...

when teammate Nick Jan and sexy girlfriend Azari spend the eve in the nightclub, Jeremy Lin shows a Harvard student bookish, he made a long article in the blog, fans to send New Year wishes, but also to the ailing their encouragement. Beautiful pictures and seductive, but calm down and have a look was born in a family of scholar Jeremy Lin wrote the text, should make the fans feel more positive energy: "to be honest, this season is moving with a I expected...