新关注 > 信息聚合 > 春节临近 冰城市民购年货为商圈交通“添堵”

春节临近 冰城市民购年货为商圈交通“添堵”

The Spring Festival approaching ice city people buy special purchases for the Spring Festival district traffic "add"

2015-02-06 21:50:59来源: 东北网

在商圈附近,排队等待停车的车辆增多。东北网记者 张隽珊 摄 东北网2月6日讯(记者 张隽珊)春节临近,冰城许多市民上街购买年货,这也为商圈附近的交通添了不少“堵”。 6日上午,记者乘坐出租车...

in nearby values, the queue waiting for the parking of vehicles increase. Northeast network reporter Zhang Junshan perturbation northeast network February 6th news (reporter Zhang Junshan) the Spring Festival approaching, many people buy special purchases for the Spring Festival ice city Shangjie, this also for the values of nearby traffic Tim a lot of "plugging". 6 morning, reporters take a taxi...