新关注 > 信息聚合 > 20年夜市烧烤大咖爆内幕 一个牛腰能做30个“羊腰”

20年夜市烧烤大咖爆内幕 一个牛腰能做30个“羊腰”

20 years a large coffee barbecue night market burst inside a sirloin can do 30 sheep waist

2015-06-10 07:11:22来源: 映象网

20年夜市烧烤大咖爆内幕 一个牛腰能做30个“羊腰” 映象网讯(记者 赵丹/文 首席记者 袁晓强/图)在夜市烧烤干了20年的老李最近爆内幕,鸭肉、猪肉加羊尾油就能变身羊肉串,而一个牛腰子,竟然能...

20 years barbecue night market large coffee burst inside a sirloin can do 30 sheep waist mapping Reuters (reporter Zhao Dan / Wen, Chief Reporter Yuan Xiaoqiang / chart) in BBQ night did 20 years of Lao Li recently burst inside, duck, pork sheep tail oil can be turned mutton string, and a cattle kidneys, went so far as to...