新关注 > 信息聚合 > 比肩梅罗?穆帅评他已成世界前3 阿扎尔:最佳赛季

比肩梅罗?穆帅评他已成世界前3 阿扎尔:最佳赛季

Mourinho as mero? He has become the world's top 3, Zal: the best season

2015-04-20 08:47:20来源: 网易

穆里尼奥盛赞阿扎尔是世界上最优秀的3名球员之一,可以同梅西C罗比肩;比利时人则坦言,迎来了出道以来的最佳赛季。 网易体育4月20日报道: 凭借阿扎尔的制胜球,切尔西1-0小胜曼联,向着英超冠军又...

Murinioshing Xan Azar is one of 3 of the best players in the world, with Messi C, par; Belgian admits, ushered in the best season since the debut. NetEase sports report in April 20th: with the winner, Zal, Chelsea 1-0 victory over Manchester United to the Premier League, and...